Youth, Leaders of Tommorow: Chorus of Deceivers. By Omoyeni Seyi Adeleke

By Omoyeni Seyi Adeleke

Ilogbo Ekiti

I have heard severally that it’s somewhat essential for any nation that cares to develop or experience constructive changes to concede the fact that, youths are the lifeblood of the nation and have the ability and capability to propagate, promote and provoke orderliness and stability. No nation experience constructive changes without prioritising the youths and their interests.

With painstaking search and pluperfect consultations, I have gotten to know the fact that our dear nation called Nigeria is replenished with bogus, strange energies and uncertainties. I’m saying this emphatically because I had never seen any institutions welcoming youths and their youthfulness or proactiveness massively. Rather, the nation was presented with feebleness, something repugnant, too cranky, fictitious and delusions.

Our dear nation we all pledge to serve under the sun and in the rain has been deceptive to a somewhat complicated level and failed to represent/present essence and acts that better strengthen our willingness and ideologies. Like, she doesn’t have finesse sense of how to bring things to workability.

Those with the right convictions and sense of administration are not granted the privilege to be in power. But the weaks are putting up with positions with the use of the medium of exchange (money) this act seems to be extremely pathetic and doltish, but the so-called youths aren’t seeing things that way, they forgot the saying of Carl Rogers that says ‘everyone has the talent, potential, and audacity to change and shape their lives.


Truly, everyone bemoaned for positive transformation, but in the sense that the youths aren’t recognised or considered as building strength, how can we relinquish captivity? This is one big question no one cares to proffer an accurate answer to and we all alleged/professed to have the love of the nation in mind.

It saddened my heart daily that the youths has been restricted, saturated and blindfolded to an extent, that they could not foresee and examine things that accurately efficate their intentions. Instead, they keep assembling/entering traditional ways that doesn’t announced the exit of our current predicament.

If I’m to be sincere, I felt youths that have been through relevant procedures, delve into series of training and gather enough information that are pertinent should be consented to be the author of their own future and strive iconically to authenticate the right efficacy and betterment, but things have gotten twisted they are directly tools for demolition.

They were also charged to fight against themselves and reality indirectly by the leaders who failed to lay down pluperfect legacies and demonstrate accountability through their litigations. All they prefer is getting mandates and power without having the sense of vision interpretation, morality, and charisma that would have better validates their interests and roles.

Fallacies upon fallacies are stationed to the minutes and minds of prospective commanders who are claiming to be leaders of today and they aren’t striving to vacate the zone because there is no sense of dissatisfaction. This nation has priorities falsehoods right from the seedbed by amalgamating strange fellows and this is one major reason why things aren’t working as expected.

I think much emphasis here seems to be unnecessary because all we had been nourished with right from the cradle are misconceptions shocking our sense of reasoning from discerning pluperfect path to escape captivity from the political gods. It would have been better if we truly accept the fact that we haven’t gain our freedom politically and critically think on what the so-phoned political gods has caused the nation in the past decades so we will not arrived another one moving toward our ends.

And if youths fail to upgrade their beliefs or reasonability they will be steered into tangles that will cause the old and the young much miseries.

Dear all, let’s strive to understand the fact that; our significance can not be recognised through all which we have accomplished, but can precisely be gauged through what we long for. Tenets that help to enhance betterment and preach youths’ involvement in governance and economic settings should be established and formalized.

Lastly, I vehemently implore the youths of today to endeavour to aspire systematically and redeem the TOMORROW THAT WAS USED UP YESTERDAY.

The author Omoyeni Seyi Adeleke holds a B.Sc Hons ( Counselling Psychology) University of Nigeria Nsukka.


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