Introducing Plastic Barter Exchange for Environmental Management– By Tayo Olowojebutu

If the Ekiti State Waste Management Authority can collaborate with Private Schools Owners in Ekiti State in the aspect of “Plastic Barter Exchange” system that will see Pupils/Students submit plastic bottles/plastic wastes and its calculated equivalent used as part payment for school fees, we’ll end up seeing less of plastic wastes, especially bottles on our streets.

Beyond asking People to stop disposing wastes indiscriminately, and sanctioning offenders, EKSWMA needs to deliberately encourage Ekiti dwellers to submit their wastes bin exchange for something else and one of the key ways to do that is, by collaborating with Private School Owners.

In addition, the Agency needs to tell the populace, occasionally, how *they are recycling the wastes being collected as a means of encouraging the people.

By doing the aforementioned, Investors will readily come in, and the recycling business in Ekiti will become a worthwhile venture.

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